5 Ways to make your Venue stand out!

Oct 1, 2017

Today, Guests have so many Hotels, Cafes and Restaurants to choose from, so the question is why they should pick your venue over the new chic hotel or modern rustic café or restaurant down the road with the cool roof top bar?

Because of the heightened demand in the hospitality industry, it is crucial to provide guests with an experience they won’t get elsewhere!

Even if you don’t have an unlimited investment budget at your disposal, there are still plenty of things you can do to help your venue to stand out from the crowd and have the guests return next time they are in town.

1. A commitment to offering the best experience

Have a vision to create an amazing experience , not merely limited to the food, also promote décor, culture, and artistic offerings including music, events etc. so that clients get the feeling of a very special outing.


2. Be Consistent

Its great to be creative, but customers also need to trust your offerings and service. They don’t necessarily want the same menu every time, but certain things like the style of service and consistency in offerings is important.

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3. Be Trend Savvy

Trends are exciting.  They’re fun and eye-catching and can help you make a lot of money in a short amount of time.  Make sure you’re trend-aware both in your style of venue and certain trends offer the chance to change your cuisine.


4. Invest in quality products

What’s important to consider is that while being efficient is good, being cheap is not.  If you truly want to create a one of a kind experience, you must invest in the best quality products.  Do this by sourcing the best ingredients and offering the best finished cuisine, also its worth investing in quality seating and tables that look classy and last the distance.


5. Hire great talent

With the increasing interest in food preparation and cooking techniques, its important that you have great culinary talent to make yourself stand out in the hospitality market.   This helps to contribute to the creativity and quality of the cuisine.



Get in touch on 0800 663 272 to learn more about how we’ll work with you to make your venue to stand out from the crowd and appeal to guests to make them come back time and time again.